The Proof. [via gregg]
Tag: heh
Some Friday Heh
The Curative Power Of The Rickroll: Suggested dessert course: I Rick Roll My Senior English Class – I love the awkwardness as the shooter is the only one in the entire room laughing, but he lets the Rick clip go on and on. Even his “Rick Roll. I Had To Do It.” finishing slide gets… Continue reading Some Friday Heh
Proper Friday Heh List
Mostly visual this week. Thanks, Arthur: Not really sure what I’m looking at here, but I sure do like it. [via Protein Feed] Something From The Show Lost – Again, not really sure what this is, but it is hehful. [via Crvs] Gorilla Rilla At My Son’s Party – One of the best known and… Continue reading Proper Friday Heh List
Heh Flashback: AIM In 2002
In which Anil Dash reacts to a friend trying to throw a virtual snowball at him as part of a big AOL Instant Messenger game*. Around that same time, opined – “I’ve been hit by two instant messenger snowballs and one instant messenger penis — people are obviously bored.” *Substitute Facebook for AIM, Anil’s… Continue reading Heh Flashback: AIM In 2002
Heh List For Friday 2/8/2008
Apologies for having fallen behind in my heh chronicling. If you ever need a fix in between updates, you can always peek in on the things I’ve tagged heh on But beware, there there be spoilers. CNN Physics Fail – The FAIL blog is the “Oh shit” T-shirt of our time. In the imaginary… Continue reading Heh List For Friday 2/8/2008
The Decapitator Documents His Craft
You may remember The Decapitator from one of my heh lists — that’s the person who defaces advertisements in the UK to look like decapitations. After reading about him(or her, just him for convention) previously I added him as a contact on Flickr. Today he published a photo with a link under it, and that… Continue reading The Decapitator Documents His Craft
Friday Heh List
If next time we meet I inquire as to the whereabouts of your curly mustache, I’m simply suggesting that you are awfully Pringles. To wit: [not safe for work if your workplace frowns on a few f-bombs] (Update:)…and the rest of the weekly heh’s, this week delivered in the style of the Hammacher Schlemmer catalog:… Continue reading Friday Heh List
Friday Hehs
The Meat House – If I had the talent and wherewithal to remix Lil Mama’s Lip Gloss, I just might make a song that goes “My meat house be cool, my meat house be poppin’.” The No’s Of Star Wars – The latter-day Vader “no” is still my favorite. [via Crvs] The Artwork Of Will… Continue reading Friday Hehs
First Hehs of 2008
The Evil Eye Baby – Take that, dramatic chipmunk: [via Creevus, and to Creevus via the show that dare not speak its name] Really Awful Hip Hop Chains – Some of the most baroque art around can be found on the necks of the likes of Ghostface, Kanye, et al. The Shoreditch Decapitator – A… Continue reading First Hehs of 2008
Small Batch Heh
An Important PSA – Boo for giving away the main gag in the YouTube title, but worth watching anyway. [via Leah] (Not to be confused with Criffulus:) 16 Hours Worth Of Xmas Wham – Thanks to my friends at Philebrity for pointing to a site that offers “16 Hours, 25 Minutes And 14 Seconds Of… Continue reading Small Batch Heh