Heh Flashback: AIM In 2002

In which Anil Dash reacts to a friend trying to throw a virtual snowball at him as part of a big AOL Instant Messenger game*. Around that same time, Ukazu.com opined – “I’ve been hit by two instant messenger snowballs and one instant messenger penis — people are obviously bored.” *Substitute Facebook for AIM, Anil’s… Continue reading Heh Flashback: AIM In 2002

Heh List For Friday 2/8/2008

Apologies for having fallen behind in my heh chronicling. If you ever need a fix in between updates, you can always peek in on the things I’ve tagged heh on del.icio.us. But beware, there there be spoilers. CNN Physics Fail – The FAIL blog is the “Oh shit” T-shirt of our time. In the imaginary… Continue reading Heh List For Friday 2/8/2008

The Decapitator Documents His Craft

You may remember The Decapitator from one of my heh lists — that’s the person who defaces advertisements in the UK to look like decapitations. After reading about him(or her, just him for convention) previously I added him as a contact on Flickr. Today he published a photo with a link under it, and that… Continue reading The Decapitator Documents His Craft

Friday Heh List

If next time we meet I inquire as to the whereabouts of your curly mustache, I’m simply suggesting that you are awfully Pringles. To wit: [not safe for work if your workplace frowns on a few f-bombs] (Update:)…and the rest of the weekly heh’s, this week delivered in the style of the Hammacher Schlemmer catalog:… Continue reading Friday Heh List