Friday Heh

Editor’s note: It’s no big secret that I store all my hehs as I find them at All of my delicious bookmarks flow into my Facebook profile via FriendFeed, and until now that was unremarkable. Recently I’ve noticed a few people, and not always the same people, enjoying and commenting on my hehs as… Continue reading Friday Heh

Friday Heh

Crap Spiderman – Perhaps the worst Spiderman drawing in the history of everything: The Story Of Atari Missile Command – Roflcon‘s Tim Hwang found a riveting vintage novelization and vinyl audiobook of the classic Atari game. Vend Diagram Rafi and Dallas a.k.a. The Internets Celebrities Explain NY Street Vendors: Where Are They Now – Kid… Continue reading Friday Heh

Friday Heh

Sorry so slow today: Cats Autotuned – The inaugural heh from Andrew Baron’s new site Two great internet tastes that taste foul together: The Bill Paxton Pinball Machine – Why shouldn’t there be one? If The Internet Named Movies – Sometimes College Humor really nails it, and in those times I must salute them.… Continue reading Friday Heh

Friday Heh

I couldn’t let July go without any type of heh whatsoever: Bugs Bunny’s Make-up Artist and Japanese Scientists Create An Emoting Robot: The Zillion Click Banner – Just brilliant, this. Go ahead and click a bunch. You’ll like it. Goldfinger’s Birthday – An exceptional piece of heh art from Mr. Will Laren. Threadcakes – “Threadcakes… Continue reading Friday Heh

Friday Heh

The Greatest Sleeping Bag In The World – “Use the glowing lightsaber zipper pull on the Tauntaun sleeping bag to illustrate how Han Solo saved Luke Skywalker from certain death in the freezing climate of Hoth by slitting open the belly of a dead Tauntaun and placing Luke inside the stinking (but warm) carcass.” [via… Continue reading Friday Heh