Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen a ghost? Submitted by Nancy. On the first question – no comment. On the second, when we used to play Ouija board when I was in 3rd grade, we "apparently" "contacted" a "spirit" named STU-7 who claimed to be a World War II pilot who had… Continue reading QotD: Ghost Story
Category: Uncategorized
Just As I Suspected — Being A Billionaire Really Is Awesome
From an interview with Richard Branson in Wine Spectator*: "I was in California promoting Virgin Atlantic's inaugural flight to San Francisco and we took all out guests up to Napa, where the Sonoma County Wine Patrol "kidnapped" me. Two guys in a helicopter with fake submachine guns forced our bus down a dirt road and… Continue reading Just As I Suspected — Being A Billionaire Really Is Awesome
The Track 8 Theory
A friend of mine once advanced the theory that musicians tend to put their best songs as Track 8 of the CD. Or stated differently, Track 8's tend to be awesome. Anyone care to agree or disagree? I'm thinking I should start a project to list out some really good track 8's. Please don't run… Continue reading The Track 8 Theory
QotD: What I Love About Vox
In honor of Vox's launch tomorrow, what's your favorite feature or aspect of Vox? Oh Vox, you're so needy sometimes. YES, I like you. YES, I'm faithful to you and tell all my friends about our great times together. We've been through some rough patches and we've both changed over the couple months we've been… Continue reading QotD: What I Love About Vox
QotD: Weekend Plans
What are your plans for the weekend? Homeownin' takes center stage this weekend as I try to decide what to do about a plaster wall that's giving up the ghost. What got me to where I am now with it? First I noticed some moisture issues on that and an adjacent wall. There are some… Continue reading QotD: Weekend Plans
She's real fine my 409
End of the tea King's 409 Dark 1st Grade [this is good] This is going to sound like a J. Peterman story, but the friend who introduced me to this tea was a monk from Thailand named Tan Suvit. He was one of my very best friends when I did a year's study abroad in… Continue reading She's real fine my 409
Vox Hunt: It Makes Me Nostalgic
Show us something that makes you nostalgic. Submitted by ngocaroo. Adventure1 Toofis and Quincy Read and post comments | Send to a friend
QotD:Just Like Me, But In 2-D
Which cartoon character best represents you? Submitted by Know It All. Steve Zissou. Read and post comments | Send to a friend
QotD: This Week's Top 25
What are your top 25 most played songs? Submitted by Cooxie. This is what iTunes currently has to say about the matter. I think it's lying about all the Shins songs. I've misplaced my iPod so this is just what I listen to on my computer. Car listening also excluded: What Ever Happend to You? … Continue reading QotD: This Week's Top 25
hobby assessment part 2: how about a roll call
Before I break down another interest like I did the crafting one, I'm running down the list. I'll add to this as they occur to me later: crafting (check) reading (yeah, it counts, and yeah, the shapes do still make pictures in my head sometimes) amateur entrepreneurship/product development/world domination planning cooking/baking sitting around vintage scooter… Continue reading hobby assessment part 2: how about a roll call