Testing The Extraface Yard Sale: GI Joe Comics Magazine #1 – Free

Update: Sold!

I’m testing out a plug-in that allows me to list items for sale. More often, it’ll probably be items that I’ll give away free as long as you’re willing to pay postage. It’s my own little freecycle, except for your postage dollars, I’ll go to the trouble of shipping things to you.

To kick things off (and test the plug-in I’m using), here’s GI Joe Comics Magazine issue #1, yours for the taking. You know, like the major motion picture in theaters now. It’s in pretty good condition, though I’m not a comics collector so I don’t know how to rate it against some sort of index.

GI Joe Comics Magazine #1

Yours for zero dollars, just pay the media mail shipping costs so I don’t have to shell out for that. (Update: had to change it to one cent plus $2.49 shipping, because PayPal doesn’t like free.)

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