What If Cupcakes Could Somehow Become More Awesome? – Matt Haughey comes through with an illustrated guide to how to get more out of your cupcake eating experience. This heh mention also serves as an alert to both Rachel at Cupcakes Take The Cake and Anna at Cupcake Brigade to get the hell on this.
- LOLCats On Strike – Out of sympathy for and solidarity with the striking writers, an envisioning of an internets without LOLCats and dumb animal memes. Worth sticking with for David Cross’ gripping feline performance.
[via Valley Girl Intelligentsia on Vox]
- Dilicious Snack – I always feel some degree of hegemonic guilt for cheap Engrish jokes, since so often they mean having a laugh at the expense of an earnest attempt to accomodate us ugly Americans. But I like “French Crips” as much as the next guy, and have every album by “The Fruit Enchants”. [via Jeremy Zawodny’s deliciouses]
- Zuiikin English Takes On Stomach Bugs – This appears to be a program that mixes Jazzercise with English language tutelage. The dancers enthusiastically the same english phrase repeatedly while they tone their abs, glutes, and pecs. TV in Japan has been following it for a while. I can’t seem to get the Skillful Abbot’s site to load today, but he’s the person to thank for uploading all of the videos to YouTube.
- Gabe And Max Respond to Bing Boing Questions – Clearly the Gabe And Max bit deserves to stick around for a little while. [via Craxy, and three of the other internets]
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“Split it. Top it. Smoosh it.” is my new guiding principle. I will apply it not just for cupcake consumption, but for all personal conduct.