When an article looks promising but I don’t have the time, attention, focus, or patience to read it, I generally stick it in my to read pile on Delicious.com. I filed away what turned out (just today) to be a real gem in April of this year – from Gary Wolf on the blog Quantified… Continue reading A Gem From My 2009 To Reads
Tag: toread
Last Resolution Of 2007: Finish Up ToReads
I hereby resolve to go through and deal with all of my accumulated toread(usually articles), tolookat(usually applications and video), and the newly created tolistento(music) tags in del.icio.us. By 2008. I’d like to reduce my attention debt as much as possible, and start with a clean slate going in to the new year. [Yes, I do… Continue reading Last Resolution Of 2007: Finish Up ToReads