The $30 Project: Day 1

This week I’m participating in an eating and budgeting experiment started by Tami Hardeman. Along with Molly and a handful of other folks, I’m doing my best to eat and drink from Monday through Sunday night all within a $30 budget. Molly brought Tami’s challenge to my attention over the weekend, and although (or perhaps… Continue reading The $30 Project: Day 1

Unboxing Blakemakes Peanut Butter Dulce De Leche

I was one of the lucky few to receive a jar of’s first batch of Peanut Butter Dulce De Leche. Blake is a friend I met a couple of years ago while visiting New Orleans for EarthLink/Earthling. He has recently started up a food blog and is now experimenting with producing food products under… Continue reading Unboxing Blakemakes Peanut Butter Dulce De Leche