Not a huge deal, but in case you are converting over from MobileMe to iCloud today, and also use Google Sync, you might want to know this: It only matters for me because I use an Android phone (and an iPad, and a Mac Mini) and have built all of my sync stuff to date… Continue reading File Under Unanticipated iCloud Quirks: Google Sync and iCloud Contacts Don’t Play Nice
Tag: Apple
iPad Line at Lenox Mall in Atlanta
Flip Ultra Gift Giving Guide, Mac Edition
Based on all of the rave reviews, I gave my mom a Flip Ultra video camera for her birthday last week. She’s generally been very happy with it, but as it turns out it wasn’t as one-click, no fuss easy as many of the reviews indicate. Not quite so easy in this case… Any time… Continue reading Flip Ultra Gift Giving Guide, Mac Edition