- FreshCloz – One To Watch -Main Pitch: “It’s like having a dry cleaner in your closet!” That the generally objective and balanced Jordan and his SciMark Report blog predicts FreshCloz will “bomb” is noteworthy, and hehworthy.
- Hem Gems:
Daily Candy, trend purveyor, throws its endorsement behind another winner. I can’t really get past the notion that folding your jeans and fastening the roll with a little decorative clip has now been called “tailoring.” - The Lowercase L – A blog devoted to tracking and exposing improper uses of the lowercase l.
[via bobulate] - TO and Chadfinkel!
[via Theo] - “Oh Sorry, I Thought You Were Someone Else” – This awkward press conference exchange from Raiders camp reminded me of the story one of the Eddie Murphies tells in Coming To America about meeting Martin Luther (the) King.