BarCamp Atlanta Set For October 17-18

Lance reported yesterday that BarCamp Atlanta’s dates are now set for October 17-18, 2008. The official planning site has been updated as well. Keep an eye out for the registration form.

Last year’s BarCamp Atlanta kept my brain whirring for 2 days and introduced me to friends and colleagues I’ve kept in touch with throughout the year, including Michael Ivey, David Cohen, and Andy Edmonds. I also resolved to show up at at least one AtlHack or Atlanta Ruby Programmers Meetup, but that hasn’t quite panned out yet. There’s still time for me to make good on that.

BarCamp Atlanta

It’s not just for web or hardware geeks — if there’s something you’re passionate about doing, sharing, or teaching, whether it’s cooking, crafting, drawing, car mileage-per-gallon shaving, or anything else, bring it to BarCamp Atlanta and share what you love with others. The more diverse the crowd is, the smarter we all become.

More information about the general BarCamp format here, my coverage from last year’s here. and if you’re a business looking to facilitate and be a part of awesome things locally, talk to Michael Mealling about becoming a sponsor.