Props To The Gramma Sarah Pound Cake Recipe

My friend Jenny at Gearlive wrote up my late grandmother Sarah Distenfield’s legendary pound cake recipe for their Food Squeeze section. This is the same recipe my gramma used to make the cake I brought as a gift to His Holiness The Dalai Lama in 1996 when I had a private audience and interview with him in Dharamsala, India. She was 94 when she passed away and we miss her dearly. I’m so proud that Jenny wrote it up and can recommend it from personal experience. It’s dirt simple, but works really well.

Here’s what a snippet of it looks like in her original hand, photocopied for a binder we made of all of her best recipes:
Gramma's Pound Cake Recipe


  1. Never would Gramma have imagined that her work would be featured on two blogs. But I know she’d be very proud of you.

  2. “…the Dali Lama himself. The twelfth son of the Lama. The flowing robes; the grace; bald; striking…So, we finish the 18, and he’s going to stiff me. And I say, ‘Hey. Lama, hey. How about a little something for, you know, the effort, you know?’ And he says, ‘Oh, uh, there won’t be any money. But when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness.’ So I’ve got that going for me…which is nice.”

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