- An Important PSA – Boo for giving away the main gag in the YouTube title, but worth watching anyway. [via Leah]
(Not to be confused with Criffulus:)
- 16 Hours Worth Of Xmas Wham – Thanks to my friends at Philebrity for pointing to a site that offers “16 Hours, 25 Minutes And 14 Seconds Of Wham’s “Last Christmas†including all 234 extant versions.
- Mascots Gone Wild – A hard-hitting investigation of the odd jobs Nintendo’s Mario and Link have held down. [via DS Fanboy]
- Best Headline In NY Post History – Heh.
- What Can I Buy Myself To Get Through The Holiday Season – Dr. Faustus asks the Amazon Gold Box community for a hand after being royally screwed in an ill-advised deal. Unfortunately, it looks like the original post got edited, but the remaining give-and-take still hehful. [via Craxy]
- Mr. Rogers Plays Donkey Kong – [via Dorkus]
- Biz’s Beat Of The Day – This clip would suggest I need to start watching Nickelodeon’s Yo Gabba Gabba. [via Torilla]
Revisit previous heh lists.

I started digging arround the Cooties videos and it seems like it’s a project for a class. There are a lot of PSAs about cooties.
All ruined by video titles that give away the punch line.