Flickr Stats – New Flickr Feature On The Way

Last night I used Migratr to move all of the photos on my old anearthling account over to extraface — how-to on that to come shortly. But because of that, I was looking closely at my Flickr account this morning and discovered this tasty treat:

New Feature On The Way - Flickr Stats

Which led to this exciting morsel:

More Info - Stats for your account

And finally, this:

Stats On The Way
Whole bunch of new stats, including referrers, coming to Flickr! Look for the stats link on your photos to get the ball rolling.

Update: Here’s what the stats view for a photo looks like. Nice work, Flickr!
Flickr Stats View

…and more on this from Heather Champ over on Flickr’s blog and in the FAQs.


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