A month and change later, let's see how I'm doing on my New Years Resolutions:
1. Read. Make time for it. – Yeah, doing ok on this. Not finishing books, but reading more before bedtime.
2. Exercise. Keep it up. You enjoy it. – I give me a C. I joined a gym. Gone an average of once a week.
3. *Private*
4. Get the garage cleaned out by 2008. – Still have time.
5. Travel to visit friends. Travel for fun. – Been taking more day trips so far. Hoping to plan a real trip for April. And want to spend some of my miles as well.
6. Be friendlier whenever you can. – Need to try harder here.
7. Let go. – Doing alright here. It has helped in a few situations. Plenty of room for improvement.
8. Dress better. – Bought new glasses. In the process of buying some new clothes. Still need to do something about the shoe situation.
Okay, "Private" was aggravating the first time. But you can't even tell us the progress you're making?
Depends how you count it. Effort is there, results are not there yet. Maybe i'll do a "family only" post about that. My friends group is biggish.