Working on it

It’s been a minute. I’ve been clearing out the dust and cobwebs around here, and boy were there cobwebs. I’m still working on things behind the scenes and deciding on theme direction. This is a test post but assuming it works, I’ll keep it around to let you know I plan to publish here again… Continue reading Working on it

Links Harvested On May 29th, 2015

Wireless Fidelity: Wesley Goatley built a system that expresses corporate Wifi signals and their respective strength and distribution as bands of sound. If you happen to be in the UK you can see the device at the Brighton Digital Festival in September. Blades Of Steel On Ice, On Ice: The Tampa Bay Lightning are 3-D… Continue reading Links Harvested On May 29th, 2015

The Quirks of Apple CarPlay and the Pioneer AVH-NEX4000 Head Unit

I’ve recently gone from working mostly out of my house to working daily at an office anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour away depending on traffic. Shortly after that transition, I decided to upgrade my in-car experience. I’m a huge Sirius/XM fan, and a Waze user, a needer of bluetooth, and an Apple user,… Continue reading The Quirks of Apple CarPlay and the Pioneer AVH-NEX4000 Head Unit

Linkblog 5-10-15

Back in the day, many of us would share slightly annotated lists of useful or thoughtful links we’d found. Then came along and made a community out of that. Then got swallowed up and disappeared. There were others for a while. is fantastic, but deliberately not social like Delicious was. I’ve always… Continue reading Linkblog 5-10-15

From [The Listserve]: A Dream Deferred Works Out Better Sometimes

Note: This was originally published and sent out on The Listserve, on 10/8/2014, while I was off getting married. The response emails brought me a ton of joy. I’ve promised to share some more thoughts on the below, but haven’t found the time yet, so first I thought I’d publish that story again in its… Continue reading From [The Listserve]: A Dream Deferred Works Out Better Sometimes

From LinkedIn: Facebook Breaks The Fourth Wall on Post Types

In a rare inversion of how I typically do things (usually it’s here first, syndicate elsewhere), I’m experimenting with LinkedIn’s publishing platform and posting a story there instead of here. It’s both because there are tumbleweeds here and because I want to take the LinkedIn* platform out for a bit of a spin. You can… Continue reading From LinkedIn: Facebook Breaks The Fourth Wall on Post Types

Writing Fundamentals from Fifth Grade

The fundamentals don’t change. This is a notebook I used in fifth grade to write an essay (monograph?) about photography. Right there on page one, they set us up for success. It’s all here, the outlines, the notes, the rough draft. I look forward to digging in to this, what might be the first time… Continue reading Writing Fundamentals from Fifth Grade