My first clue that this “Victoria’s Secret” Pinterest account might not be what it purports to be was their liking of my pin about a man winning a real-life Mariokart: I’m fine with brands engaging with users in this way, but this one felt a little off-brand to me. I clicked to their profile, and… Continue reading Brand Hijacking on Pinterest is the Sincerest Form of Flattery
Month: February 2012
A Delicious Lunch Starring Storico Fresco, Spotted Trotter, and Hope’s Garden
I just whipped up and ate this truly memorable dish for lunch today, made with foods from all local vendors, all purchased within a 2 mile radius of my house, some much closer. Here’s the rundown: De-case, crumble, and brown a couple of parsley & cheese sausages from The Spotted Trotter while you bring a… Continue reading A Delicious Lunch Starring Storico Fresco, Spotted Trotter, and Hope’s Garden