Content Strategy Talk At WordCamp Atlanta

Here’s the material I presented to lead a WordCamp Atlanta discussion sarcastically titled “Content Strategy: Killing Time Between Redesigns.” I didn’t go through everything, or even most of what the field entails, but instead (a)presented my view of why it’s important based on what’s happening inside and outside of non-media companies today, and (b)provided some examples and footholds grounded in actual projects to show at the granular level how it can come into play.

I had asked several friends and colleagues in the industry for their perspectives (and am grateful to Rafi, Kristen, Jeff, Anna, Lisa, Tom, and Agent 3Z) but only worked a few thoughts from them into the talk directly. I also didn’t get a chance to talk about my heh-harvesting experiences at EarthLink and here over the past few years, which is something I want to reflect on. So ideally I’ll figure out how to use all of that in something with a slightly different focus.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the session, asked questions, and contributed thoughts. Feel free to continue the conversation here, on Twitter, via my current obsession – Tumblr questions, etc.

P.S. Extra special thanks to the organizers @sheatsb and@tessa for pulling together a fantastic event!


  1. Eee! So cool! <3 Thanks for sharing the slides!

    Are you a part of the Atlanta Content strategy meetup? If not, you should definitely speak. I hear a lot about the "benefits + importance" of content strategy but you gave extremely concrete details about it. Now I understand the value and implementation.

  2. I was just talking to someone about Demand Media… Thanks for sharing your slideshow… I started talking to people, and got pulled away from your session.
    Thanks Dave.

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