- Swimming Is The Best – @gavinpurcell and family auto-tune a masterpiece via the I Am T-Pain iPhone App.
- Cutest Garbage:
[ via one of my new favorites, Badder Homes and Gardens]
- Sniff RFID Reader Dog – “Sniff comes in a cute Snoopy-like design, but he is actually an RFID reader. This digital pup can vibrate and make noises in response, making it endearing to whoever lays eyes on it the first time around.”
- Merlin’s Open Letter To Adobe Developers – I wanted to highlight this passage in particular: “One (sometimes one of the extremely few) of the benefits of the annoyingly rabid Mac community is that we do talk to each other a lot, and we do absolutely have equivalents of pro wrestling’s faces and heels. Right now, Adobe is not regarded as a hero. No. Right now you’re the heavy guy from some country we don’t like who’s always with the folding chairs.”
- Mr. Ray Lamontaigne:
Hate the music, love the shirt.
[via cpenney] - Pomplamoose, Single Ladies (Beyonce Cover) – If you haven’t seen this already, it should make your Friday:
[via ohword.tv]
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Thanks for the heads up about Pomplamoose. I really enjoy them. As for not liking Ray LaMontagne, may I present this song: http://blip.fm/profile/duanemoody/blip/23891677/Ray_LaMontagne-Let_It_Be_Me in hopes that its sheer amazingness you will change your mind?
Grrrreat version of Single Ladies.
huh, that just made my friday…