Artifacts From Yahoo! Past

I’m in Rhode Island all this week, enjoying a change of scenery as I work remotely from here and then attend ROFLCon in Cambridge, MA at the end of the week. One of my favorite things to do here is hit up Savers, a thrift superstore with locations throughout the country(except in Atlanta). I always find something interesting at the Warwick, RI location. Yesterday, as if in anticipation of Roflcon, I found this ancient gem:
Yahoo! Web Speak

The copyright date is 2002, but I imagine the plan for this board game about IM-speak was in development well before then and was released a bit behind schedule.

In honor of ROFLCon, all this week Extraface will feature game cards from the set. Feel free to play along at home; I’ll keep the spoilers behind links.

Click to reveal the answers.

And just to show someone actually gave this game a whirl:

Love U Like A Brother