My Fridays haven’t lended themselves to publishing the heh list of late, and as a result I’ve yet to publish my first one here on Extraface. I have some time this morning, so let’s make Wednesday the new Friday:
- Mustaches For Kids – Not exactly the “program to provide mustaches for underpriviledged children” I thought it would be when I clicked the link.
- Scoble’s Biggest Fan – Of course he is.
- Lonely Candidate – A site that tracks each time a presidential candidate claims to be the “only candidate who…”
- IM IN UR WASTELAND BURYING UR DEAD TS Eliot’s The Waste Land, rewritten in LOLcat language. “Measuring out ur life in teh coffee spoonz.” [via splodinvark]
- A Truck That Says YAY – That’s all. Just a truck that says YAY.
- Iconic Moments of the 20th Century – “A group of aged volunteers pose in their everyday outfits and in their daily environment (the vicinity of the Home) to re-enact the scenes from well-known newspaper photographs taken from history books and encyclopaedias.”
- Dot Com Ments – A brilliant new set of templates for visually responding to blog and message board comments. [via marshallk]
- Hyku On Naming – Josh ponders keyword optimizing his future offspring.
- Using McDonalds As Pizza Toppings – Photos of a tasty double cheeseburger mcnugget fry pie. [also via splodinvark]
- Toilet Paper Typography – Michelle at Craftzine points to a gallery of text made with toilet paper rolls.
- Gabe And Max’s Internet Thing – You’ve seen this already, but it’s still funny so get off your high horse.
I am way glad to see this has made a fashionable return!