Today’s list is going to be live-updated, whenever I get a free moment. Refresh often!
- Flickr Is For Sparklecorn, But Not For Sellin’ – The first time I perused Mike Monteiro’s new proposed t-shirt design, it had about 6 comments, all on the topic of the shirt itself. Over the past couple of days, the comment thread has come alive with all of the hallmarks of classic comment thread banter, from self-righteous indignation to TOS violation accusations to embedded bling. I can’t tear myself away.
- Inbox Zero Merit Badge:
Only $3.99 plus S & H in the USA.
No idea what this is? See Merlin Mann’s opus on the subject.
[via Laughing Squid] - Rossendale Human Fruit Machine (Human Slot Machine, in Americanspeak):
[via Creevus] - Lion And Giraffe – And so lifelike!