- Uwe Boll Will Not Stand Down, Sir – Movie/Game/Entertainment fans who think Uwe Boll sucks have a petition online that says if the get enough signatures, Uwe should agree never to make another movie. 178,000+ signatures later, embedded below is Uwe’s YouTubed reply. He wants everyone to know that in his humble opinion he’s far superior to Michael Bay and horror director “Ellie Ross”[sic]. [via Crvs]
N.B.: Uwe drops F-bombs
- Pisa’s Prison Restaurant – “Under the watchful eye of armed prison warders, a 20-strong team of chefs, kitchen hands and waiters prepares 120 covers for diners who have all undergone strict security checks. Tables are booked up weeks in advance.” [via Jeff]
- A Flickr Primal Scream – Jzawodn described this in del.icio.us as “a video of what flickr will do if sold to microsoft”:
There’s also a contest afoot.
- Blank Sheet Of Paper! – “BlankSheetofPaper.com is a free online utility to allow you to print a blank sheet of paper from your printer in case you need a clean white, blank sheet of paper to write on. No download required.”
- YouTube CSS Comments – Darrell stumbles on some funny editorial comment artifacts in the new UI changes to YouTube.com. As of right now, it’s still there.
Previous batches of Friday heh.