I’m headed to Savannah to participate in tomorrow’s BlogSavannah ’08. I’ll be co-leading a session along with Marjorie Young of Carriage Trade PR, and as with most unconference discussions the topic will depend to a large extent on where the interest in the room lies. I’ve been revisiting my presentation from BarCamp Atlanta on How To Run A Better Product Communications Blog in case we want to talk about that, and can also share some insights from my recent work with Super Deluxe. If there’s anything anyone would like to add to the agenda, please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below. Looking forward to it!
BlogSavannah ’07 photo by Hyku uploaded under a Creative Commons license, some rights reserved
I went to your class with Marjorie. It was great – you know so much. I was super impressed and inspired. Thanks for offering such good information. Happy blogging!
You’re a STAH!
Christy, thanks for taking part in the session!
Betsy, thank you for the hospitality and for all of the work you put into helping with the event. Looking forward to seeing you again at SoCon.